Lawrence Chan
Valuation Partner | Hong Kong & Mainland of China

Lawrence has more than 18 years of valuation experience in Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland of China and other Asia Pacific Rim countries including Malaysia and Singapore. 

Not only with the qualification of MRICS, Lawrence is also a registered member of Estate Appraisal in China, Institution of Hong Kong Quantity Surveyor, professional quantity surveyor for asset classes.

In Asia Valuation, Lawrence is responsible for handling valuation matter for immigration and commercial litigation purposes. He transacted high volume of foreign properties, ensuring the standard and quality of the report is aligned with and approved by Department of Home Affairs, Australia and Federal Circuit Court of Australia. Other than speaking English, he is multi-lingual in speaking Cantonese and Mandarin. His ability to ‘trade high-value foreign properties’ proved his strength in Asia Valuation. 

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