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Diverse Industries
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Diverse Industries

Specializing in Residential, Industrial, Office, Retail, Medical and Childcare

​专攻于住宅,工业,办公楼,商店,诊疗室 和 托儿所

Practice Areas

Stamp Duty 印花税

Capital Gain Tax 资本利得税

Windfall Gain Tax 暴利税

SMSF 自管退休基金

Immigration 移民

Divorce & De Facto Relationship 离婚

Rental Determination 市场租金评估 

Wills & Probate 遗嘱

Commercial Litigation 商业诉讼

Compensation & Acquisition 赔偿与采购

Feasibility Development 开发可行性

Welcome to Asia Valuation – A Property Valuation Advisory Firm

Asia Valuation is one of the largest Chinese independent property valuation advisory firms in Australia. We are trusted by corporate institutions, developers, governments, and local communities to act for their valuation matters. We advised multidisciplinary sectors including industrial, office, retail, residential and medical.





Asia Valuation is headed up by Clarissa Ngoh, a Malaysian Chinese who migrated to Australia in 2012. She gained a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from University of South Australia in 2015. After 3 years of gaining bachelor’s degree in Adelaide, she gained a Masters of Property from RMIT in 2017. With a strong interest in business and thirst of knowledge, Clarissa has catapulted her valuation skillset with an MBA from Kaplan Business School in 2022.


After a decade of gaining academic qualification, Clarissa also had a handful of practical valuation experience from the world-renowned real estate advisory firm known as JLL prior to setting up Asia Valuation. While working as a property valuer in other valuation firms, she realised that there is an ongoing and strong valuation demand in Sydney and Melbourne where most clients in certain growing suburbs could not speak nor understand English. As a result, they can barely get their valuation done due to the limited proficiency in getting their message across. 


This language barrier is even more distinct in the areas of development feasibility and family law, where the Chinese clients need to explain their circumstances or hardship to get a valuation. In other instances, some Chinese clients will even need to approach other Chinese brokers who can speak Mandarin to get their refinances. 


As of today, Asia valuation has significantly grown because of its relentless demand in valuation. The firm has successfully attracted the local and global clients to attend to their complex problems. Asia Valuation has helped the local and foreign clients in valuing their property development projects and high-profile commercial litigation matters.


吴慧琴女士于2023年,开创了亚洲估价事务所 ,在2012年,她身为马来西亚华裔留学生移民到澳大利亚。当她最初抵达阿德莱德时,她在南澳大学念了传媒学士,年少轻狂的她,想要在澳大利亚取得居留证于拥有自己的一番专业,于是在墨尔本皇家理工大学念了房地产估价硕士,好让她有了工作经验后,有资格申请专业移民。对知识的认真于渴望,她于2022年,也在 KAPLAN 学院获得了 MBA 经商硕士。​

在2017年完成了各自各样的专业,她在估价的领域奋斗了五年,这其中包括了大小型估价企业如 JLL 国际公司。当她在这五年打拼时,发现了亚洲市场的高需求量。许多来自中国的客户无法于当地的老外交流,导致无法获得生活上的需求感,比如无法贷款,无法进行离婚财产分割于不按当的税务分配。比方说,严重地导致过度交税(印花税或是得利资本税)。吴慧琴女士认为这些都是不必要的开销。

取得居留证以后,吴慧琴女士便开创了澳大利亚首家华人估价事务所。目前为止,亚洲估价在墨尔本和悉尼都有分行公司,个别是墨尔本的博士山 Box Hill 和悉尼的好士圍 Hurstville。我们欢迎客户随时致电或提早预定在办公室的见面时间。

于是,她想要帮所有的客户解决问题和向华裔客户解释他们应得的利益和权力,好让帮他们减税或减轻生活上的负担。我们倾向于聆听和了解客户需求,以便客人得到最佳的帮助。亚洲估价事务所聘请了高质量的团队,他们是澳大利亚房地产机构 API,的认证估价师 (CPV)。

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Property Valuation Services - Why Choose Us 为什么选着我们

Clarissa from Asia Valuations

Asia Valuation provides high quality property valuation services with wide national coverage areas in and outside Australia. We offer solutions to problems to attend your needs in valuation matters. The firm has served multidisciplinary sectors including industrial, office, retail, residential and medical.


Asia valuation is specialising in generating valuation reports for various purposes including tax, divorce, immigration, development feasibility, commercial litigation, and compulsory acquisition for government projects.


Client-Focused, Independent and Transparent – Property Valuation Company

Asia Valuation is committed in delivering high quality property valuation reports. Our team will understand and listen to your problems and provide solutions to your circumstances. We are upfront about what we can offer and how we can help. Asia Valuation act the best interest for our clients.


To ensure the efficiency locally and internationally, we only appointed Certified Practising Valuers (CPV) and Chartered Surveyor (MRICS). These ‘industry recognised’ experts provide an independent valuation advise for your property. Part of the valuation process include inspection work and report writing.


As a competitive edge, every report generated by our firm is independent and custom-made according to your circumstances, rather than appearing too general in content. Our team begin with receiving your specific instructions and focusing on solutions to problems. Asia Valuation takes pride in advising and communicating clearly prior to commencing any valuation works. We believe transparency and efficiency are true success to our business.


MRICS from Mainland China and Hong Kong

Our firm has appointed prestigious Chartered Surveyors (MRICS) from Hong Kong and Mainland of China. These ‘industry recognised’ experts provide high quality valuation reports for immigration law purposes. In essence, Department of Immigration and Border Protection Australia only accept MRICS qualification for valuation reports of immigration purposes. The underlying reason is due to their valuable local valuation experience within Mainland of China and Hong Kong.


We only appoint valuers and chartered surveyors who are familiar with the market in where they are centrally located. They also possess multi-lingual language ability including Cantonese, Mandarin, and English. This will certainly give you a hassle-free experience without any language barriers.

Multi-Lingual CPV Qualified Valuers Based in Australia

Asia Valuation have appointed multi-lingual qualified valuers in Sydney and Melbourne who are well-versed in Mandarin and Cantonese. They are proficient in speaking Mandarin and Cantonese, which may be helpful for clients who prefer to discuss their problems in their own language.


How We Excel in the Foreign Market

We have strong connections in the foreign valuation market, including Hong Kong, Mainland China, Guang Zhou and Macau. As a property valuation advisory firm, we have a soaring demand for immigration valuation works. In the immigration line, we have private clients such as immigration lawyers and corporate institutions such as a local consulate in Australia, who need the valuation works in residential and commercial properties. They need to declare their net assets locally and internationally.


Independent Property Valuation Reports

Our property valuation reports are highly detailed and recognised by the valuation industry. Our team will ensure that the independent valuation report is fully tailored to suit your specific needs.

Call Asia Valuation on 0415920277 or submit an inquiry via now.


Why Work With Us for an Independent Valuation Report of your Property?

Asia Valuation can provide fully independent valuation advice for your property. Here are a few reasons why our clients choose us:

  • An experienced team of CPV and MRICS professionals, adept in various languages, including Cantonese, Mandarin and English.

  • Strong connections in the foreign valuation markets, including Hong Kong, Guang Zhou, Shen Zhen and Macau, allow us to cater to the soaring demand for immigration valuation works, both locally and internationally.

  • Competitive-edge specialisation including development feasibility and commercial litigation.

  • Other expertise in a wide range of property valuation services including family law and immigration law.





除此之外,我们聘请了 ‘多语言’ 的认证估价师,位于墨尔本和悉尼,他们口操普通话包括华语及广东话。他们的精通语言能够帮助到许多华裔的非本地顾客,包括喜欢操普通话的律师与会计师。我们的华裔估价师也能代表公司为离婚案件出庭。

Red Building

New Windfall Gain Tax Service 新暴利税务服务

Why you will need to pay windfall gain tax starting from 1 July 2023? With the new introduction of Victorian Government, a windfall gain tax is applicable to land that is affected by rezoning in a value uplift to the land of more than $100,000. In determining such value uplift, land owners as an individual or corporation will need to take rezoning into consideration and consider valuation for windfall gain tax to report to the government. 


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